Thứ Năm, 13 tháng 6, 2013


Pedicures are relaxing and luxurious, but when funds are tight you may not have the money to pay a beauty spa price to have it done. Luckily, it is easy to recreate a spa-quality pedicure at home. Invite a group of friends over and exchange relaxing foot massages and special pedicures. You will save money and still get great results at home. You need have basic materials like a pumice stone, foot cream and, of course, nail polish, you will find that you hardly miss going to the nail salon.

Step 1 : Soak your feet in a tub of warm to hot water for at least 10 minutes.

Step 2 : Use a pumice stone or pedicure brush to buff away the rough skin on your feet gently, concentrating especially on the sides of your big toes and your heel. note not buff more strong. When finished, rinse your feet off and dry it.

Step 3 : Dry your feet on a towel by patting dry. Smooth a thick layer of a rich, emollient moisturizing cream that has ingredients like Vitamin E and shea and coconut butter. Cover your feet completely. Slip on a pair of socks for 20 to 30 minutes.

Step 4 : Remove the socks, and use a cotton swap to rub nail polish remover on each toenail. The acetone in the nail polish remover will help remove some of the greasiness that may be left over from the moisturizer and help your nail polish adhere to your nail better. Remember also to remove any old nail polish you may still have on your toes.

Step 5 : Apply your nail polish carefully to your toes. To make it more like a spa-quality pedicure, try attempting a French manicure by using masking tape to tape off a strip of nail at the top and painting it white. Or, use a small bag of gems from the drugstore and press them into the wet paint for a professional look.

Step 6 : Finish your fancy nail job with two coats of topcoat, allowing the polish to dry in between each.

P/S : I encourage you go to nail salon, area have best pedicure chair if have more money, you will take best care for your nail. Good luck

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