Thứ Ba, 4 tháng 6, 2013

Choosing a Safe Nail Salon

While you can certainly take care of your nails on at home, for special occasions or as a treat, a trip to the nail salon is in order. When you go to the salon to have your nails done, you might expect to come out with health, look for your nails. Unfortunately, the existence of unsanitary shops means you have to be careful when choosing where to go to get your nails done. A quick preliminary check can provide clues as to whether or not the salon of your choice is clean and safe.

Proper Nail Salon Licensing

Before you seat yourself in the pedicure chair, check for some basic credentials. At the very least, the nail salon should have a valid business license. It's also smart to ensure that the technicians have proper licensure to prove that they've undergone proper care and education to be competent enough to do your nails safely. If you don't see such licensure hanging on the walls, ask the receptionist for proof before you hand over your money and your nails.

Clean Nail Salons

The second facet of a safe salon is cleanliness. Certain areas of the salon should show basic signs of cleanliness, specifically each manicure station and pedicure tub. Each pedicure tub should be drained and clean after each use, so there shouldn't be standing water in any of the tubs. Don't be afraid to ask the salon owners how often tools are sterilized and when the stations are cleaned. If you notice tools being used on several clients at once, it's probably not a clean salon.

Clean Nail Salon Tools

Nail salons should use stainless steel tools that are sterilized with solution after each customer. Since you can't always guarantee that a salon owner is telling the truth about the frequency of tool cleaning, it's the safest bet to bring your own nail tools from home. That way, you ensure the tools are only used on you and you can keep them clean yourself. Any reputable salon should be happy to use your tools for your mani-pedi because they don't need to clean and sterilize their own tools after your

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